Monday, October 12, 2009

Just another manic Monday!

Where, oh where, did the weekend go??? We went to Lake Vesuvius on Sunday so Dennis could practice canoeing with his adventure race team! Only we had to go at 9 am which meant lots of cold fog. Dennis said he felt funny with all them sitting up so high, so he squatted in front and looks like he has no legs! Yikes! haha Anyway, after we paddled for about an hour, we ran the trail for a couple of miles which was a major accomplishment for me. I have practiced my running skills and heaven knows, I am no runner, but peer pressure is a great motivator and I stuck with them. Dennis turned around at the finish and said "Where's Lee Ann?" as he searched the trail far behind us and then I stuck my head out from behind Kent and said "I'm right here!" (Was that shock and disbelief I saw on his face as he realized I hadn't been left in the dust? I think so! Oh, Dennis of little faith! haha) And today my thigh muscles are scolding me for my running efforts! Better enjoy the outdoors while I can. November first will be the end of evening fun times for a while (sigh). But at least I might be able to actually see where I am driving in the mornings again. I hate driving to work in the dark. It's so wrong. Speaking of work, we are still fighting the Swine Flu. Lots of kids out with it. Might as well lick a door knob and get it over with.......Hope the rest of the week goes well! 'til next time! And remember, you can click on the photos above to enlarge!

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