Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally back to normal- YAY!

I finally started to feel like my old self yesterday after my hour long nap in the afternoon! Dennis got home from work and I ate a bologna sandwich which was delicious. (trust me, eat nothing for a day and it will taste delicious to you too) We then decided to head out to Beech Fork Lake with the kayaks. A bunch of Dennis' work buddies were going to the shooting range out there for some shoot-em-up fun! We paddled 3 miles out and found the trail to the shooting range and it sounded like a war was going on! haha I guess there were about a dozen people shooting guns of all makes and sizes. I even took a turn at a 22 rifle and pistol, a 38, and a Colt 45 that had quite a kick! Some woman showed up with three exchange students from China, I think. She said she wanted to show them what we did in Wayne County and asked if they could shoot a gun. They had these big, crazy grins on their faces and got pictures holding guns. It was funny. One guy whispered "Now, they'll go home and join the red army...." I can only imagine what they'll tell the folks back home...........By then, it was getting dark so hopped back in our boats and paddled 3 miles back to the dock. We got in about 9:30 and I was pretty tired after such an "eventful" day! And, I almost forgot, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them!

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