Sunday, September 27, 2009

No rain today! YAY!

Check out those waves!

Dennis takin' a break!

What are these crazy things?!

Dennis and I decided to go paddling today at Yatesville Lake. He had seen a bald eagle there last weekend when he was riding bikes and was hoping to get a better picture of it today. I guess the eagle didn't hang around long because all we saw were some buzzards, crows, herons, king fishers, wood peckers, and wild turkeys! Busy day in the bird world, I guess! There were lots of big, fast boats out on the water today which made for some big, fast wave action which was fun. Everybody wanting to get out before the weather turns cooler. Hard to believe it will be October in three days. Got a picture of some really cool bright orange berries hanging from a purple/burgundy seed pod on the bank of the lake. If anyone can identify it, let me know. We only saw a couple of plants like this. I searched on the internet under "bright orange berries" and it kept coming up marijuana. is rural Kentucky...!hahaha I guess it's back to the grind tomorrow. We did the grass mowed this evening. Hope I don't have to do that too many times more. That rain made it grow about six inches overnight! I did get in my 3 miles in the rain yesterday evening so no one can call me a fair weather excerciser! My neighbors probably thought I was nuts and I didn't go down "chihuahua row" just because I didn't want to bother the doggies. Dennis had potato soup on the stove when I got back. Yes, it was from a can and it was quite good! Progresso, I think it was. Have a great week! 'til next time!

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